A pervert at my workplace

For some reason I am sharing this experience with all.

There is an old uncle working in my team, he is a temporary staff which he is only needed when we are short of manpower. I used to label him as 'pervert' because he have that look and he will really stared right through you which makes you feel naked. Sometimes when we are communicating to one another, he will come close up to you at times you can feel as if his breathe on your cheeks before he able to do so, i will sprung to action and keep a distance away from him. I am not sure if I am being over-reacted till my other colleague talked about it. I have bring the matter up to my superior and they are looking into it.

The recent issue was, it happened when i was deployed together with him and with another person, my other partner was on meal break so leave me and him in the office. I was just sitting around, waiting for the last departure for my shift, there was other people around then and he was doing something with his hand phone. Suddenly, I heard something like moaning voice, I try to ignore but the sound kept playing that was the final straw for me and I get out of that place to a safer one. Guess what, that old man was viewing pornographic video on his hand phone. He is really one pathetic, sick, pervert old man....!!!

It makes me sick and disgusted. I thought I am the only one to experience that, there was also another colleague of mine facing the same problem. What was he thinking or trying to do that time. Nowadays, I keep my distance away from that old pervert uncle and making sure that the place that I work has people around and also have extra staff working with me. If this problem happens again, I wont hesitate to report this matter to the police because this is an intrusion of my privacy and harressment.